Import Grades

On the Import Grades – CANVAS page, there are two options to enter grades into the DukeHub grade roster: Import Grades and Loading Grades.

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  1. Grade Roster: The grade roster type that an instructor can transfer or load grades onto
  2. Link To: Link to the class’s Canvas site
  3. Transfer Grades: Pulls grades from Canvas and enters them onto the DukeHub grade roster

Before initiating the final grade import process from Canvas to DukeHub:

  1. Set a grading schema in Canvas gradebook setting.  A grading schema must be set in the Canvas site in order for DukeHub to extract grades for each student.  A Duke grading schema is available for selection, but instructors may create their own if desire.  For instructions and any questions about selecting or creating a grade schema, please email
  2. Before transferring grades from Canvas, check that final grades in Canvas are accurate and that all gradable items (assignments, quizzes, etc.) are factored in.  It is recommended that zeroes have been entered for missing grade submissions as the default is to only aggregate items which have a scored enter.  This is so student grades during the term only take into account gradable items they have completed and not future items.

For additional instructions or questions related to your Canvas site, contact the Duke Learning Innovation team by email at

1. Using the menu item from your dashboard, navigate to the Import Grades - Canvas page in DukeHub.

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 2. Select the Transfer Grades icon for the appropriate course:

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3. When the transfer process is complete, an Import Grades Results pop up message will appear with a summary of the transaction.  Review the message:

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1. In the left hand menu navigation, select Grade Roster.  Expand the row for the class for which you are entering final grades and select View Details by the appropriate grade roster type:

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2. Verify that grades were imported as expected.  From this page, you can enter missing grades and correct mis-entered grades if needed:

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3. The Import Grades process will only enter grades onto the DukeHub grade roster.  Select Submit Grades to submit the partial or full grade roster.  Click continue in the 'Submit grades' message window.

4. Select Finalize Roster once all grades are entered to submit the completed grade roster for posting.  Select continue in the Finalize Roster message window.  The grade roster Approval Status will change to 'All Grades Submitted'.  Grades will be posted to student records within one hour.  The Edit/Enter grades button will no longer be available once grades have been submitted for posting.

Grades for cross-listed classes can be transferred all at once if they are on the same Canvas site.  Instructors may select the Transfer Grades icon for one of the cross-listed titles, then the Import Grades Results window will display results for all cross-listed titles.

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  1.  Canvas grade roster count: Number of students on the Canvas grade roster
  2. Student grades succesfully transferred: Number of grades imported to the DukeHub grade roster
  3. Students not found in DukeHub: Number of students on the Canvas grade roster but not on the DukeHub grade roster and they do not exist within DukeHub
  4. Students not found on DukeHub grade roster: Number of students listed on the Canvas grade roster, but not on the DukeHub grade roster, though the students exist within DukeHub
  5. Student grades failed to transfer: Number of grades that were not imported to the DukeHub grade roster
  6. Students with blank grades on Canvas grade roster: Number of students with no grade entry in Canvas
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4. Grades Template: Download an Excel file of the DukeHub grade roster

5. Load Grades: Accepts a .csv file of the grades template and enters the grades onto the DukeHub grade roster

6. Status: Grade roster's submission status

7. Grade Roster: Navigate to the Grade Roster page in DukeHub

Using the menu items from your dashboard, navigate to the Import Grades - Canvas page in DukeHub.

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Select the Grades Template icon:

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An Excel file will download from the web browser.  The file contains student ID numbers, names, admit term, expected graduation term, grading basis for the class, and a column for their course grades.  Instructors only need to enter grades into the Course_Grade column. 

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Once all grades have been entered, save the file in a .csv format:

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Next, select the Load Grades icon.  Then, select the .csv file of the grades template that was just saved with the grades entered:

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Select the file from the folder where it was saved:

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When the loading process is complete, a 'Loading Grades Results' window will appear with a summary of the transaction. ** (See the 'Loading Grades Results Messages Example' section below to understand what the different messages mean.)

Review the message and continue.

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In the left hand menu navigation, select Grade Roster.  Expand the row for the class for which you are entering final grades and select View Details by the appropriate grade roster type:

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Verify that grades were imported as expected.  From this page, you can enter missing grades and correct mis-entered grades if needed.

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The loading grades process will only enter grades onto the DukeHub grade roster.  Selecting the Submit Grades button will submit the partial or full grade roster.  Click continue in the Submit Grades message window.

Select Finalize Roster once all grades are entered to submit the completed grade roster for posting.  Select continue in the Finalize Roster message window.  The grade roster Approval Status will change to 'All Grades Submitted'.  Grades will be posted to student records within one hour.  The Edit/Enter grades button will no longer be available once grades have been submitted for posting.

When using the Loading Grades function, the final grade template will only contain information for students enrolled under one class title and will NOT display all students enrolled across all cross-listed titles.  You will need to download a template for each class

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  1. Grade roster count from import file: Number of students in .csv file
  2. Student grades successfully transferred:  Number of grades loaded to the DukeHub grade roster
  3. Students not found in DukeHub: Number of students on the .csv file but not on the DukeHub grade roster and they do not exist within DukeHub
  4. Students not found on DukeHub grade roster: Number of students listed on the .csv file but not on the DukeHub grade roster, though the student(s) exist within DukeHub
  5. Student grades failed to transfer: Number of grades that were not loaded to the DukeHub grade roster
  6. Students with blank grades in the import file: Number of students with no grade entry from the .csv file