1. Log into DukeHub and from your Dashboard homepage, select the 'Grant Proxy Access' menu item:

2. You will now see a list of your current proxy users (if any) and have the ability to add new users or edit/delete existing ones. To add a proxy, simply click the 'Add User' button. To edit access or delete a proxy, use the icons to the right of the proxy's name.

3. Enter the proxy user's information and follow the instructions to complete the form. Add access by checking the desired boxes under each category. When completed, click the 'Submit New Proxy' button in the top right corner.

4. Read the 'Duke University Release of Information Policy' and check the box at the bottom of the page to acknowledge the policy. Then select the 'Continue' button.

5. You will receive a confirmation on your screen that your proxy submission was registered.

6. You have completed the Proxy process.
**Please note- - the system will now generate two emails - one to you, the student, and one to the proxy. The content of the emails is included below for your reference.
Student Email:

Proxy Email: