Dematriculation Policy
Dematriculation is based on the timing in which the dematriculation request is received and the enrollment status of the student as of the first day of classes for the term/session to which the student was admitted.
- If a dematriculation request is received prior to the first day of classes of the term to which the student has been admitted, it's okay to dematric the student, regardless of whether or not the student is enrolled in courses.
- If the dematriculation request is received on the first day of classes, or later, of the term to which the student has been admitted and the student has never been enrolled in the courses at any time for that term, it's okay to dematric the student.
- If the dematriculation request is received on the first day of classes or later of the term to which the student has been admitted AND the student was enrolled in the courses at any point on or after the first day of term, the student should not be dematriculated. The student should be withdrawn, except in cases where the applicant is deferring to a later term (see #4). Please contact the Office of the University Registrar ( in extenuating circumstances. The withdrawal should be submitted via an attrition form by the school’s record staff. Please note that only SISS Office staff should drop enrollments on a record and not individual school office staff.
- If the dematriculation request is received on the first day of classes or later and the student had enrollment records but will be deferring to a later term, please contact the Office of the University Registrar ( for guidance on how to proceed.
Dematriculation Business Process
If the student has been matriculated (there is MATR program action on the application), then:
- Request dematriculation by emailing and include the following information (note: you can include multiple individuals within one email):
- Applicant’s name
- Duke Unique ID
- Deposit Status (forfeit, refund, defer, N/A). If the student is deferring to a later term, note the term to which the deposit should be moved.
- SISS will perform the de-matric and send notification when done. An ADRV program action will be shown in Application Maintenance.
- To finalize the record:
- If you use Slate, enter a “final” decision in Slate (e.g. Withdrawn, Defer). A corresponding program action will automatically be added in DukeHub.
- If you do not use Slate, manually add a final program action in DukeHub (e.g., Withdrawn, Defer) using the plus button.